Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Balloon Gov't: Education and Tafe

The State Government of Victoria has ripped the arse end out of Victoria’s tafe system. This is one, of many, measures the Balloon Government has adopted in an effort to make themselves appear ‘fiscally conservative’. The Balloon's also fail to make true their election promise of making Victorian teacher's "the best paid in Australia".

I agree with a notion of fiscal conservatism, in a more pragmatic way. The 'Government' is all of us. We contribute to a 'common good' via our taxes. Public infrastructure, education, healthcare- these three things should be the same for everyone, despite how much money they make. If you can afford more, that's your own business!

I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend how cutting investment in skills and education is in any way fiscally conservative.

Effectively these cuts mean that there will be more Victorian’s suffering a lack of education and skills than there used to be. This means that the State of Victoria will become less productive. This means that MORE Victorian’s will find it harder to get a job and will be living off of taxpayer funded benefits. Ironically, because less of us will be skilled and educated, there will be less tax-payers.
Nice one Balloon! Hope the investment in public transport security (of which I’ve yet to actually see or feel a difference from) is worth it! RIGHT ON!!!

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